Our Abbie Hunt Bryce Home runs on support! Help hospice patients in need — donate today.

Frequently asked questions

About hospice care

What is hospice?

Hospice is not “giving up.” Hospice is not about dying—it is about allowing a patient to LIVE the time they have left.

Hospice provides care, dignity, and peace at the end of life. Once someone is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness and has a life expectancy of six months or less, hospice is making a decision that comfort becomes the priority over treatment.

What does hospice provide?

Hospice works with an individual and their family to determine a care plan that provides pain relief, emotional support, spiritual needs, and more. Hospice allows the family to remain the family instead of taking on the stress of caregiving.

Hospice can coordinate everything involved with patients, families, experienced nurses, physicians, chaplains, social workers, etc.

How do I pay for hospice?

Hospice is covered under Hospice Medicare Benefit, many Medicaid plans, and many private insurance plans. Everyone deserves peace and dignity at the end of life, despite background or financial means.

If you or your loved one has limited means and needs a home in Indianapolis in which to receive hospice care, please learn more about the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home.

About the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home

How many residents can you accommodate?

The Abbie Hunt Bryce Home can home 12 residents at a time, each with their own semi-private room and garden access! Our Indianapolis hospice facility is open to residents of limited means who need a place to receive end-of-life care.

What are your visiting hours?

Visiting hours are 9am – 8pm, unless a family member would like to be with someone who is actively passing.

How are your services free?

Our services are provided with the generous help of our community partners and donors who believe in our mission and have a heart for hospice! Morning Light wouldn’t be able to serve our community without help from people like you! Please find out how to get involved.

Who provides care in the home?

The Abbie Hunt Bryce Home director (RN) oversees the home in collaboration with each individual’s hospice agency. Alongside the hospice care team, our home is staffed with CNAs equipped to provide the partnered care our residents need! (Are you a social worker or hospice provider? Learn more about admissions here.)

How long does the average resident reside in the home?

Our stays range from a few days to a year. It depends on the acuity of our residents when they are entered. Most residents are with us for about 3 months.

Who owns this Home?

The community. This Home is community-owned as it is supported by donations, volunteers, and community funding. This Home is yours. You are welcome any time.

How can I help Morning Light?

The Abbie Hunt Bryce Home is always in need of extra hands to serve the mission! If you’re unable to volunteer with us, in-kind donations along with monetary assistance keep our house running. Learn how to get involved with us here.

Why is the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home needed?

The Abbie Hunt Bryce Home is solving a major problem most people don’t recognize exists.

In their groundbreaking white paper “Death and Dying In The US” (Clinical Interventions in Aging, Sept 3, 2008), Finestone and Inderwies point out that only “20-25% of people who die in the US utilize hospice services” and “…minority groups are less likely … to benefit from hospice or palliative care.”

They cite many reasons, but one major obstacle was not mentioned: lack of a suitable home environment in which to receive the hospice care benefit.

In short, someone without a home cannot receive hospice. That’s why the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home matters so much.

Please learn more about our Home on our page for families or our page for healthcare providers. You can also contact us anytime.

Your support WILL make a difference. Please donate today to help those most in need. Thank you!

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