Our Abbie Hunt Bryce Home runs on support! Help hospice patients in need — donate today.

Meet Penny

“I’ve helped as many people as I can. I’ve had a hard life but I think it made me a better person.”

Penny's Story

During a conversation with Penny, she shared story after story of how the people in her life have let her down. She spoke of violence, abuse, disappointment, and pain.

Those who were supposed to take care of her mistreated her, physically and emotionally, leaving her with no one to trust and nowhere to go.

Penny had the kind of life that could break a spirit, but not hers. Her positive attitude is contagious!

The good news is, while residents like Penny may not have happy beginnings, they are given peaceful and loving endings at the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home thanks to your support.

“I didn’t feel safe where I was. My nurse said she knew a very nice place that would bring me in and help take care of me. I met everyone here and I just love them.”

Penny had a tough childhood and a hard life.

But she chose to not let her misfortunes define her. Instead, she maintains a positive attitude, even as she suffers from terminal cancer.

When asked how she keeps such a strong spirit, Penny replied: “I run into people like this in my life,” motioning to the caregivers at the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home.

Good people can be the light amongst the darkness. People like our caregivers. People like Penny. And people like you—our supporters.

At the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home, she gives all she can with her positive attitude and generous heart. On Thanksgiving, she cooked a feast for everyone and constantly donates food items for her fellow hospice patients to enjoy.

“I’ve helped as many people as I can. I’ve had a hard life but I think it made me a better person.”

Penny knows in her soul what many of you reading this know: giving back feels good!

“I try to have a good attitude. I can’t think of a nicer place to die. I know a lot of people may think that sounds weird but I am really happy here.” Penny has made peace with her life, saying she understands everything now. “God will get me whenever he wants me and I’m ready whenever he’s ready.”

Penny isn’t alone. The Abbie Hunt Bryce Home has served over 700 hospice patients in need of care at the end of their life. We are able to give our residents a warm bed, three home-cooked meals a day, and a hand to hold at life’s end. Our residents receive round-the-clock care in partnership with hospitals, hospice agencies, doctors, and nurses.

All of this is provided at no charge because of community support!

After meeting Santa Claus for the very first time during his visit to The Abbie Hunt Bryce Home, Penny passed away on Christmas Eve.

This is the kind of magic our Home creates – the best of life, even at the end of life.

Your support WILL make a difference. Please donate today to help those most in need. Thank you!

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