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A Terminally Ill Resident Describes Their Care

A Terminally Ill Resident Describes Their Care

This beautifully written article about the life of Abbie was penned by Mark Dunn, a resident of our home for over a year until this past July. For Mark, Abbie truly was a  home for all seasons, and now it holds his memory alongside nearly 900 others who have found peace here since 2004.

This beautifully written article about the life of Abbie was penned by Mark Dunn, a resident of our home for over a year until this past July. For Mark, Abbie truly was a  home for all seasons, and now it holds his memory alongside nearly 900 others who have found peace here since 2004.

Some residents stay under the care of Morning Light and Abbie for days, some for weeks, while others, like Mark, share with us a longer journey. Seeing those with end-of-life illnesses making new friends and memories is what we are all about, and we are grateful for Mark’s touching testimony of life in his, and our, home.

‘Safe travels, Mark.’

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